Student Support and Enrollment

Analyze, Plan and Succeed

Student Support

  • Utilize an advanced analytics dashboard to identify students who require support and provide tailored recommendations to address their needs effectively.
  • Offer educators comprehensive analysis derived from student data, enabling them to provide timely support and interventions aimed at improving student retention and success.
  • Enhance student support systems by leveraging data-driven insights to proactively address challenges and promote academic achievement.
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Enrolment Analytics

  • Forecast enrollment trends by analyzing historical data and implementing data-backed decisions on time, ensuring proactive planning and resource allocation.
  • Identify top candidates who align with the institution's strengths and goals, optimizing enrollment outcomes and fostering a mutually beneficial student-institution relationship.
  • Provide personalized guidance and counseling experiences for student prospects, enhancing their engagement and satisfaction while supporting informed decision-making regarding enrollment.
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AI Assistant

  • Offer round-the-clock support for both prospective and current students, providing quick responses to their inquiries.
  • Provide multilingual support to ensure all students receive assistance in their preferred language.
  • Utilize Student Coach AI to enhance the student experience, streamline academic paths, and personalize learning experiences.
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Scale Your Redundant Tasks With MarkovML’s
EdTech AI Solutions

Embrace the Gen AI approach to improve student management and retention, explore faster editing and assessment, and perform predictive analysis to mitigate dropouts and upcoming risks.