
Feature Engineering

What is Feature Engineering?

Feature Engineering is the process of using domain knowledge to select, modify, or create new features (attributes) from raw data. The goal is to improve the performance and accuracy of machine learning models by transforming the data into a more suitable format for analysis. Feature engineering involves generating new variables, transforming existing ones, and selecting the most relevant features to include in a model.

How does Feature Engineering work?

Feature engineering works through the following steps:

1. Feature Creation: Generating new features based on existing data. For example, creating a new feature for the ratio of two existing features.

2. Feature Transformation: Applying mathematical or statistical transformations to existing features, such as logarithmic scaling or polynomial features.

3. Feature Extraction: Deriving features from raw data using techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce dimensionality.

4. Feature Encoding: Converting categorical features into numerical format using methods such as one-hot encoding or label encoding.

5. Domain Knowledge Application: Leveraging specific knowledge about the data and the problem domain to create meaningful features that enhance model performance.

For example, in a predictive model for housing prices, feature engineering might involve creating new features like the age of the house (current year minus year built) or the number of bathrooms per bedroom.

Why is Feature Engineering important?

Feature engineering is important because:

1. Model Performance: Well-engineered features can significantly enhance the performance of machine learning models by providing more relevant information.

2. Data Representation: It transforms raw data into a format that better captures the underlying patterns and relationships.

3. Insight Discovery: Effective feature engineering can reveal hidden insights and relationships in the data that are crucial for making accurate predictions.

4. Efficiency: Properly engineered features can reduce the complexity of the model and improve computational efficiency.


Feature engineering is a crucial step in the data preparation process that involves creating and transforming features to improve the performance of machine learning models. By applying domain knowledge and using various techniques, feature engineering helps in better data representation and more accurate predictions.