Empower Your Team with
Markov’s Finance AI

Unlock Key Financial Insights, Streamline Workflows, and Boost Productivity.

Finance AI Apps

Data to Intelligence Faster

Underwriter AI Companion

  • Upload the required documents to get a comprehensive summary to quickly review applications, making informed decisions without the time-consuming task of manually sifting through each document.

  • Need to deep-dive into specific details? Ask any question and get the relevant information within seconds. Our AI sifts through the data, providing the right info with references.

  • Gain insights into potential risks and make informed decisions by understanding where each new application stands in the context of historical data.

  • Book a Demo
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Data to Intelligence Faster

Finance AI Companion

  • Create Your personal finance AI agent to help you analyze, interpret, and visualize finance data for quick review and decision-making.

  • Continuously update the Agent's knowledge using automated workflows or update it manually to keep it up to date.

  • Say goodbye to endless hours of sifting through documents to find information and focus on leveraging your skills to unlock value for your business. Have questions?  just ask.

  • Talk to Us
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Other Platform Offerings

Finance Data Analytics

  • Data Analytics & Visualization: Our no-code AI powered analytics lets you discover key insights and process financial documents faster than ever, so you make data-driven decisions to move business forward with confidence.
  • Fraud detection & Financial Crimes Analysis: Uncover hidden risks and reduce false positives using our no-code graph analytics & unsupervised AI platform. Collaborate in real-time with all stakeholders to prioritize critical alerts and automate reporting to save time for important things

Auto-ML & Workflows

  • Auto-ML Platform: Our user-friendly click-and-drop interface empowers your financial analysts to build, test, and deploy Finance AI models with ease in a few clicks. No engineering support required.
  • Workflow Automation: Our no-code workflow builder enables you to create AI powered workflows to streamline and automate mundane manual tasks so your team can focus on strategic initiatives that drives your business forward.

Analysis, Collaborate, and Streamline

Unlock the potential of Markov's finance AI to simplify and automate routine financial tasks.
Start your AI powered finance journey today!